Signed in as:
Signed in as: is an internet-based tool that the troop uses for keeping track of our members’ contact information, training records, and advancement progress. We also use it as a communication tool to send messages to each other, publish the troop calendar, and share information via group forums.
On Scoutbook, each scout has a profile and advancement record which is maintained by the troop and the national BSA organization. As parents, you can participate by:
Scoutbook is our troop’s “book of record” for your scout’s advancement records. If you have a question about the troop’s official advancement records for your son, simply look them up in Scoutbook. Requirements that the troop recognizes as completed are marked with a gold checkmark.
If you need a Scoutbook account, please contact the Scoutmaster or follow the link on Contact Us page to send us an email.
The Scout rank through First Class rank are about Learning your "Scout Skills" and "checking off the boxes" in your Scout Handbook. Tenderfoot,Second Class, First Class Ranks - These Ranks are about building proficiency in your "Scout Skills" and demonstrating your ability to take care of yourself and others. Scout Rank Workbook here.
1. The requirements are checked off and initialed in the book by a Life Scout, Eagle Scout or Assistant Scoutmaster.
2. The scout presents the signed handbook to the Patrol's Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) designated for work with that patrol for Advancement Leader Approvals.
3. ASM verifies all requirements have been completed. Once all requirements are signed off by the ASM, a scout can then request a Scoutmaster conference. This should be scheduled 7 days in advance.
4. ASM sets up Scoutmaster conference with an Assistant Scoutmaster
5. After the Scoutmaster conference is completed, a scout can request a Board of Review with the ASM. ASM works with Advancement Chair and Advancement Coordinator to set up Board of Review with three Adults Scouters (Board of Reviews details are described in page 31 & 32 of the Troop 52 Guide Book here and on this BSA web page here)
6. When all of the boxes are checked off w/signature by the scouts/scouters above, and all requirements are checked and blue, the rank, badge, and award are deemed earned.
7. Scout will receive his rank advancement badge within 2 meetings & recognition at Court of Honor
Star - Life - Eagle - These Ranks are about "Sharing Your Knowledge of Scout Skills, Personal Responsibility, Commitment, and Leadership." It is your opportunity to demonstrate maturity, accountability and responsibility in living the Scout Law and Oath every day.
1. Obtain signature from the Patrol's designated ASM for the Required MB's
2. Obtain signature or email from the Service Hours Coordinator verifying service hours
3. Make sure ALL requirements are initialed and dated in the book and on Scoutbook with Leader approval by Patrol ASM, Adult Scouters or Scoutmaster, not related to the scout.
4. Show your book to the Patrol ASM to verify you are ready for a SMC. At that time you will be asked to set up an appointment with the Scoutmaster for the SMC.
5. Send an email to the Scoutmaster requesting an appointment for your SMC. This is done after, and ONLY after your book has been verified by the ASM.
6. Request BOR from Advancement Coordinators.
7. Receive rank advancement badge within 2 meetings & recognition at Court of Honor Life - Eagle
When you pass your Life SMC, the SM will assign you an Eagle Advisor.
A vital part of Rank Advancement are Merit Badges ... IT IS YOUR REPONSIBILITY AS A SCOUT TO OBTAIN LEADER APPROVAL (PATROL ASSISTANT SCOUTMASTER) FOR A BLUE CARD AND SUGGESTION FOR A MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR, TO REACH OUT TO, BEFORE YOU START A MERIT BADGE. Merit Badge Signup. See above procedures in Scoutbook for getting set up with a Merit Badge. As a default, always go to your Patrol Assistant Scoutmaster for any advancement approval needs, including setting up an approval "BLUE CARD" for a Merit Badget. You will not be a happy camper if you've been in scouts for a year, gone on all the campouts and not get Camping MB credit because you "forgot" to get the Blue Card. CAMPING SHOULD BE THE FIRST BLUE CARD THAT YOU GET FROM THE ADVANCEMENT COORDINATORS.
Think of Merit Badges in 2 Categories:
The Capitol Area Council Eagle processing has deadlines for Scouts who want to have their Eagle board of review this year, or want to receive their Eagle credentials this year.
Holding a Board of Review in Year
Holding a Court of Honor in year
To be considered as part of the Eagle class of the year, a Scout must have his board on or before December 31st and submit the signed original application to the Fickett Center for final processing on or before mid-January. Regards, Kim Eckert, 512-617-8610 or email here, Bee Cave District
Congratulations! I have you on the calendar for _________ at _____pm. Please come find me when you are ready.
Please READ and FOLLOW the instructions below as they are identical for both the STAR and LIFE SMC.
1) Obtain an IPR (individual progress report) from Mrs. Leonard or Mrs. Kelbaugh. Bring this IPR to your SMC.
2) Present your Scout Book to Mrs. Leonard or Mrs. Kelbaugh for signatures as required for Eagle and Non-Eagle MB's and Time in Troop at your Present Rank before your SMC. When you present your book at your SMC these should be signed off.
3) Obtain signature in Scout Book or request email from Mrs. Leonard or Mrs. Kelbaugh verifying service hours. When you present your book at your SMC the service hours should be signed off by Mrs. Leonard or Mrs. Kelbaugh or bring the email from Mrs. Leonard or Mrs. Kelbaugh.
4) Come prepared to demonstrate all of the knots (including the Sheet Bend), all of the lashings and all of the First Aid found in your Scout Book.
... If it is in the book then it is important!
... If it is in the book then it should be important to you!
... If it is in the book then it is important to your Troop!
... If it is in the book then it is important to your Troop Leadership!
5) Come in full uniform with appropriate toggle or neckerchief slide with appropriate rank and POR patch.
You will be expected to know all of the above without help. You will be expected to answer quickly with well thought out and thorough answers.
This SMC is your opportunity to demonstrate your maturity, accountability and responsibility in living the Scout Law and Oath every day ... in being prepared for Life!
Merit Badge Signup: See Advancement Chair at Monday Meeting
Use this signup to request a Merit Badge Blue Card.
Merit Badge information can be found online under US Scouting Service Project Merit Badge site here (new owners) and Troop 109 has a good Merit Badge Library here
These sites offer Boy Scout resources for all ranks including worksheets and cross-references for Merit Badges and Scout Awards.
Eagle required merit badges done at summer camp, MBU, etc. where the scout will need to meet with one of the troop merit badge counselors to make sure he is proficient in the merit badge. The Advancement Chairman and the Troop Committee will have the final say in any disputes.
A vital part of Rank Advancement are Merit Badges ... IT IS YOUR REPONSIBILITY AS A SCOUT TO OBTAIN LEADER APPROVAL FOR A BLUE CARD BEFORE YOU START A MERIT BADGE. You will not be a happy camper if you've been in scouts for a year, gone on all the campouts and not get Camping MB credit because you "forgot" to get it. For merit badges, go to your patrol's ASM for approval to start badge. The ASM will provide guidance on the badge and help identify a merit badge counselor.
EAGLE MB's taken at summer camp, mbu, other district merit badge workshops, etc requires that before you are awarded the mb you demonstrate proficiency and knowledge with your Eagle MB Counselor. A sign off on your blue card by anyone other than a T52 MBC will not count toward the awarding of that MB.
MB Counselor Volunteers:
We always need merit badge counselors and you can contact me anytime if you are interested in helping. For more information please check out these resources:
Thanks, MB Counselors Coordinator, Josi Bogdon
Positions of Responsibility (POR)
The Jul 2020 to Dec 2020 POR Application Enrollment is OPEN here.
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin
For a list of current POR holders, see the 'TroopMaster->Reports->Scout/Unit General->Scout Leadership Roster'report.
Requirements & Process:
1. A Position of Responsibility (POR) is REQUIRED for Rank Advancements as follows:
2. POR Terms run for 6 months (Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec)
3. Scoutmaster, with recommendations from SPL and ASPLs, signs off Scout PORs to recognize successful completion of their POR for Advancement purposes.
4. ALL Scouts with a POR are expected to actively serve the Troop during their term of service. Scouts are expected to attend Troop Meeting, PLCs, Campouts and other Troop Events. A Scout will not fulfill the requirements of a POR and credit for the POR will not be approved by the SPL and SM for rank advancement if:
5. All POR's require participation in T52's Junior Leadership Training (JLT) or NYLT prior to serving in a POR in order to receive credit for rank advancement.
6. All POR requests are submitted through an On-line form. The form will be open on the Troop Website when POR's are announced for each session
If you miss the Sign-Up Deadline:
POR Timeframe for the JAN-JUN Term: Applications: Signups generally open at the beginning of November and the cut-off will be posted on the calendar. Interviews: SPL & ASPL interviews will be scheduled by the ASM and posted on the calendar. Elections: Patrol Leader & Assistant PL elections will be scheduled by the ASM and posted on the calendar. Announcement: New POR's will be announced before the new year.
POR Timeframe for the JUL-DEC Term: Applications: Signups generally open at the beginning of May and the cut-off will be posted on the calendar. Interviews: SPL & ASPL interviews will be scheduled by the ASM and posted on the calendar. Elections: Patrol Leader & Assistant PL elections will be scheduled by the ASM and posted on the calendar. Announcement: New POR's will be announced in June.
Scouts should go to to review what the requirements are for each POR before going to the online form. Please complete the POR Application (see link at top of this page during application enrollment period) and be sure to comment on how this POR will benefit the troop and yourself. Questions should be sent to our Scout Master Mathew Gomes by email here.
POR Definitions:
Additional POR Descriptions: While not official BSA information, provides a wealth of comprehensive information on scouting advancement, awards, and merit badge requirements. We suggest you bookmark Put it on your smartphone, too, for quick reference!
Monthly Patrols by Scouts - PATROL LEADER: send out an email to all of the scouts in your patrol to notify them of their responsibilities below:
Monthly Patrols by ASM's
Scout hours have their basis in the Boy Scout Oath .... "To help other people at all times" ... Service to others is a special Good Turn that puts Scout spirit into action. Service can take many forms. You might take part in a community cleanup; repair a place of worship, a museum, or the home of an elderly person; improve a wildlife habitat; volunteer at a hospital or with a public safety group; organize a recycling effort; or conduct a clothing pickup or food drive.
Service Hours as defined by T52: "Service hours count when they benefit someone that is not the Scout or when the hours benefit a group that is not BSA or Troop 52."
Examples that DO count: Eagle Projects, Emmaus Church: Fall Fest, Pancake Breakfast, Fish Fry, VBS at your church,etc.
Examples that DO NOT count: Shred Day, Lights On, Bridge Building for Crossover, Trebuchet Building for Webelo Woods, etc
******service hours may count towards school and other organizations******
Remember that the service hours for Life have changed, and 3 of the hours MUST be conservation related, as determined by an Assistant Scoutmaster. (Examples: plant shrubs to provide food and cover for wildlife; plant grasses and legumes to provide ground cover in schoolyards, public parks, and recreation areas; help develop or maintain a nature trail in a public park)
Process for Scout Service Hours:
Get prior approval from ASM: Other than for Troop 52-organized group service projects or Troop 52 Eagle Scout projects, the Scout must obtain prior approval for a service project from an Assistant Scoutmaster (email approval is strongly preferred - contract ASM at least 2 days in advance). Volunteer time not approved in advance by an ASM may not count toward your service hours.
Complete your service hours: Complete your service and have the appropriate T52 Community Service Form signed by the Project Sponsor (the adult responsible for the project). The form is attached below. For T52-organized group projects or Eagle Scout projects, the Responsible Scout/Adult for that event will record your hours on a group Community Service Form so the Scout does not need to fill out an individual form, but it is the Scout's responsibility to make sure his service hours are correctly recorded by the Responsible Scout/Adult.
Get ASM sign-off. Have the ASM who approved the service project to sign on the Community Service Form.
Report your service hours to the Advancement Chair. Turn in your completed and fully approved Community Service Form to the Advancement Chair, so that they can record your hours in the troop's records. Check your Individual Progress Report on the website to make sure your hours have been recorded BEFORE your scoutmaster conference for rank advancement.
Eagle Candidates: Have all volunteers sign up using the Community Service Form - Group Project listed below. Please scan and email (or give a hard copy of) the completed Community Service Form - Group Project to the Advancement Chair after you have completed your project.
Troop 52, Lakeway TX
Emmaus Catholic Parish, 1718 Lohmans Crossing Road, Lakeway, Texas 78734, United States
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